Mental Illness Happy Hour

I am so surprised and touched by the response I received to my last post, Where Have I Been? Thank you for telling me that it’s okay to share things like that. And thank you for telling me that it’s helpful to share things like that! I have some ideas of other things I’d like to share with you…stories and snapshots of my own mental illness over the years. I’m hopeful that parts of my story might be helpful to others living through theirs. I hope to have something ready for that by the end of this week.


But in the meantime, I’d like to share a link with you today. I listen to a podcast called the Mental Illness Happy Hour. Comedian Paul Gilmartin interviews people with mental illness and/or addiction in their histories. It’s a brutally honest podcast, refreshingly honest. It’s amazing to hear people talk so honestly of the traumas, the negative thinking, the pain that they live with, and yet there is so much hope in the conversations.

One caveat about this podcast…the language can be very explicit, and sometimes rather vulgar. It may not be for everybody. It might not be a podcast you’d expect your pastor to recommend. Oh well. I think honesty and connection are more important than avoiding potty-mouth. Anyway, if you’d like to check it out, you can do so here: Mental Illness Happy Hour. Let me know if you do.

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About Me

I’m Michael, the author of this blog. I search for meaning through walking labyrinths, through exploring my Christian faith and my experience of depression, through preaching, and through writing about it for you.