Speaking Engagements

Author Michael J. Scholtes is available for talks about the intersection of faith and mental illness. He shares his harrowing story of the “dark voice” of depression calling him to suicide, and the “still, small voice” of God calling him back from the brink.

Churches and Church Conferences

In addition to sharing his story, Scholtes also offers some concrete suggestions on what churches and individuals can do to welcome and support those with mental illness. His talk can be tailored to adults, youth, congregational or larger conferences.

Mental Health Settings and Conferences

In addition to sharing his story, Scholtes offers some ways that faith can be helpful to those with mental illness, as well as ways it can cause problems.

Speaking Reel


I admire your strength to put this into words to try to help other people who are struggling to know that they’re not alone.” – attender at a recent talk

Contact Info

For more information, or to schedule a talk, send an email to darkwater@thescholtes.com.

Michael J. Scholtes is the author of Darkwater: A Pastor’s Memoir of Depression and Faith. He is a dynamic speaker who uses his experience and faith to share a message of validation and hope to people with mental illness.

About Me

I’m Michael, the author of this blog. I search for meaning through walking labyrinths, through exploring my Christian faith and my experience of depression, through preaching, and through writing about it for you.