Category: Lent Deserving

  • Validating our Grief

    Validating our Grief

    So, this morning I was driving to my biweekly therapy session. Along the way I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts, Not Good. The episode I heard was about grief; the host Molly gave a very thoughtful and heartfelt monologue about what grief looks like, what it feels like, and shared some very…

  • This Deserving Stuff is Hard

    This Deserving Stuff is Hard

    So, as I blogged about a few days ago, I’ve been thinking and journaling about deserving since Lent began on Wednesday. I gotta tell you, this deserving stuff is hard for me. A few things have already become clear to me: First, that there is a very large, very loud part of me that feels…

  • What Do I Deserve in Lent?

    What Do I Deserve in Lent?

    At my therapy session this morning, we talked about how important it was that I finally made the phone call to my doctor two weeks ago. I’m now getting physical therapy, which will hopefully help my back. (So far, nothing — but these things take time.) I shared that making that phone call was the…