Category: Summer

  • The Summer of 2011

    The Summer of 2011

    This is one in a series of posts about the summers of my life. It has seemed for years that my depression gets worse in the summer, and I’m looking for patterns to discern why that might be. The summer of 2011 was a time when I was looking for something new. I felt stuck,…

  • The Summer of 2012

    The Summer of 2012

    I’m looking back on past summers in my life, exploring a theory that my depression gets seasonally worse in the summer each year. Throughout the summer of 2012, I was in a call process, which is the funny Evangelical Lutheran Church in America way of saying I was interviewing at a new church. Call processes…

  • The Summer of 2013

    The Summer of 2013

    Throughout this month, I’m blogging about my memories of summers past. My mood tends to be at an ebb every summer, and I’m trying to discern if there’s any pattern there. Why does this happen each year? What causes it to be different some years? So in my last post, about 2014, I remarked that…

  • The Summer of 2014

    The Summer of 2014

    Throughout the month of August, or so, I’m looking back at summers in my past, to see what my mood was like. I am testing a theory that my depressions are usually bad in the summertime, unless I’m doing some good inner emotional “work.” Five years ago was the summer of 2014, and I have…

  • The Summer of 2015

    The Summer of 2015

    During the month of August, I am writing about past summers in my life, an attempt to shine some light on why my depression seems to be worse during the summer each year. I’ve been heading backwards in this blog series, focusing on an earlier year each post. Now I’m at four years ago, and…

  • The Summer of 2016

    The Summer of 2016

    For the month of August, I am looking back on the summers of my life, attempting to find some patterns within them to explain why it seems that my depression tends to get worse during the summer. I’m also looking at each summer to find some insight or reflection that can speak to who I…

  • The Summer of 2017

    The Summer of 2017

    For the next month or so, I am reflecting back on summers in my past, partially to discern why my depression tends to get worse in the summer, and partially as a project to get myself writing again. I’m thinking back on those days, seeing what I did and how I felt, and seeing what…

  • The Summer of 2018

    The Summer of 2018

    For the next month or so, I want to write about the summers in my life. I have discerned that my depression is often at a low point during the summer, which could be connected to some “small-t traumas” I have experienced throughout my life during the summer. And yet, despite that, I know that…