
I had eight serious girlfriends before meeting my wife, roughly one a year from age 14 through 21. It’s very easy to enumerate them, because I really never dated casually. I fell madly in love, and I was intensely into these relationships. All eight of these relationships eventually ended, and that was always heart-wrenching.

Anyway, before I met Heather, I predicted her. How did I do that? Through the arcane magic of the Grid of Girlfriends.


Yes, yes. These are the eight girlfriends I had throughout my adolescence, arranged in order from left to right, then top to bottom. You’ll see there’s a space for the ninth, with a bunch of question marks. At the time I made this chart, I had not yet met the person who would fill that spot. But I found patterns.

The Rows

Row 1 was the “classics,” the first three women to whom I said, “I love you,” all of whom I was sure at the time I would one day marry. Row 2 was a set of three girlfriends with whom I had much more reasonable expectations: I enjoyed their company, had strong feelings of affection toward them, and didn’t really expect anything long-term. Row 3 was completely different…these two were incredibly powerful relationships that made me think there was a depth to love I’d never seen before.

The Columns

The three relationships in Column A were all imbued with a sense of newness…I was experiencing a sort of relationship I’d never had. Column B all started off with problems; there was a strangeness to their beginning that might have been a clue that they wouldn’t last, in the end. (Column B were also my only three girlfriends who lived in the city of Hazleton at the time.) Column C were, in a sense, the “payoff” girlfriends, with whom I had my best relationship yet. I didn’t really break new ground with them, but explored that ground in a much happier and more fulfilling way. I also met each of the Column C women through a close friend, which wasn’t the case with the other six.

And so, I had great expectations for my next girlfriend, whom I called “3-C.” My relationship with her would be much like Row 3, the powerful and deep relationships, but it would also be a “payoff,” and be happier and more fulfilling than the other Row 3’s. I’d meet her through a friend, and she wouldn’t be from Hazleton. It also appeared that the grid would then be complete, and 3-C would be my final girlfriend.

All of this came true. My relationship with Heather, which began when I was 22, has been mind-blowing (Row 3) and fulfilling (Column C). We met through a mutual friend, and she’s not from Hazleton. I’m also presumably done dating forever…we’ve been married seventeen years now. So I had a pattern of nine girlfriends in nine years…a pattern I was able to discern after only eight of them. Could I somehow have predicted the future? Did I fulfill my own prophecy? There are several options, among them:

  • Complete coincidence.
  • There was a cosmic, regular pattern to my dating life, and I discerned it just before it ended.
  • I unconsciously looked for someone to fulfill the characteristics I’d assigned to 3-C, and deliberately found her.
  • I fooled myself into thinking my relationship with Heather had these characteristics.

I know. It’s the first. But come on. It’s kind of cool, right?

3 responses to “Eight”

  1. Rosemary A.Traina Avatar
    Rosemary A.Traina

    I feel like having Chinese food, one from column c, two from column a, lol.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Very cool! I’ve always admired how you search for patterns and meaning, and find it, even if it wasn’t what you expected. (Though, in this case, you were right!)


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About Me

I’m Michael, the author of this blog. I search for meaning through walking labyrinths, through exploring my Christian faith and my experience of depression, through preaching, and through writing about it for you.